Monday 10 September 2012


When should I schedule my child's first trip to the dentist?
Should my 3-year-old be flossing?
How do I know if my child needs braces?
Many parents have a tough time judging how much dental care their kids need. They know they want to prevent cavities, but they don't always know the best way to do so.
When Should Dental Care Start?
Proper dental care begins even before a baby's first tooth appears.
Remember that just because you can't see the teeth doesn't mean they aren't there.
Teeth actually begin to form in the second trimester of pregnancy.
At birth your baby has 20 primary teeth, some of which are fully developed in the jaw.
Running a damp washcloth over your baby's gums following feedings can prevent buildup of damaging bacteria. Once your child has a few teeth showing, you can brush them with a soft child's toothbrush or rub them with gauze at the end of the day.
Even babies can have problems with dental decay when parents do not practice good feeding habits. Putting a baby to sleep with a bottle in his or her mouth may be convenient in the short term — but it can harm the baby's teeth. When the sugars from juice or milk remain on a baby's teeth for hours, they may eat away at the enamel, creating a condition known as bottle mouth. Pocked, pitted, or discolored front teeth are signs of bottle mouth. Severe cases result in cavities and the need to pull all the front teeth until the permanent ones grow in.
Parents and childcare providers should help young kids set specific times for drinking each day because sucking on a bottle throughout the day can be equally damaging to young teeth.
The Role of a Dentist
Consider taking your child to a dentist who specializes in treating kids. Dentists are trained to handle the wide range of issues associated with kids' dental health. They also know when to refer you to a different type of specialist such as an orthodontist to correct an overbite or an oral surgeon for jaw realignment.
A dentist's primary goals are prevention (heading off potential problems before they occur) and maintenance (using routine checkups and proper daily care to keep teeth and gums healthy).
Baby Care Basics

Caution: Cavities may be contagious. 
Decay is caused by bacteria called streptococcus mutans, which feed on sugar and produce acid that attacks teeth. Babies aren’t born with these bacteria in their mouth; they “catch” them from their mother’s saliva.
 “Moms who have a history of dental problems have a large amount of these infectious bacteria,” says Beverly Largent, D.M.D..
 “Every time you share a spoon with your infant or clean a pacifier by sticking it in your mouth, you may be passing along cavity-causing germs.”
While all children will eventually have some of these bacteria, it is always best to take precautions. Do not share cups or utensils with your baby or let them stick their fingers in your mouth, and always try to get any form of tooth decay taken care of as soon a possible
Start with a small amount of fluoride toothpaste.
While your infant is toothless, you may wipe his/her gums with a wet washcloth after each feeding. Once the first tooth erupts, use a brush with a tiny smear of kids’ fluoride toothpaste twice a day.

Dentists used to recommend nonfluoridated toothpaste until age 2;
however, since fluoridated toothpaste can lower a child’s risk of decay by up to 30 percent, the AAPD now recommends it.

Limit bottles and sippy cups. 

If your child carries around a sippy cup all day or sleeps with a bottle at night, the sugars in milk, formula, or juice may pool around children’s teeth allowing cavity-causing bacteria to flourish.
Experts believe that sippy cups may be partly to blame for the recent rise of decay among toddlers. Even if you start your child with a sippy cup, introduce your baby to a cup around 6 months and limit juice to mealtimes only. Water is always a great option to quench thirst between meals.

Toddler Tooth Facts 

Get into a good brushing and flossing routine. 
Your little one may fuss, but do not take no for an answer; brush his/her teeth twice a day with a dab of toothpaste.

 After age 2, use a little more paste and teach your child how to rinse and spit. 

 Even if your child wants to brush on their own, make sure you take a turn too.

 Once your child reaches age 2 1/2, all baby teeth (including molars) should be erupt. Once two teeth touch, floss them daily. 
See us ASAP if your child knocks out a tooth. 

Although it’s tempting to consider baby teeth to be expendable (they fall out eventually right?) premature visits from the Tooth Fairy can be problematic for many reasons.

 If a permanent tooth isn’t ready to take the spot, adjacent baby teeth may shift or tilt to fill the space. The permanent tooth will not have room and will come in crooked later on.

 We can hold the spot with a space maintainer. The space maintainer will save the spot until the permanent tooth is ready to come in. Also call for an appointment if your child chips a tooth or one turns gray some time after a fall. 
Watch out for cavity causing foods. 
Cavities in baby teeth can be painful, and if left untreated they can lead to a seriously infected abscess. 

Sticky treats like center-filled lollipops and gummy candies are not the only culprits. Starchy foods like bread, chips, and crackers also cling into the grooves of teeth. Drinking water after may help, but these foods can get lodged into the crevices between your teeth. Raw carrots, apple slices, and yogurt are all great snacks that can reduce sugar in your child’s mouth. Cheeses such as cheddar, mozzarella, Swiss, Gouda, and Monterey Jack help reduce decay by stimulating saliva and are also great for between meal snacks. 

Protecting Permanent Teeth 
Help your child brush until at least age 7 and floss until 10.
Brushing should take about two minutes, but how thoroughly your child is brushing is most important. You can show your child how to make short, gentle strokes on the inner and outer chewing surfaces of the teeth. Finish with a fluoride rinse, and use either disclosing tablets or mouthwash occasionally to show any areas that may have been missed. And, don’t forget to floss! Try individual flossers-they’re easier for kids to maneuver. 

Have your second-grader in for an orthodontic check. 

Thanks to new technology, kids can now be treated earlier, which is why the AAO recommends an orthodontic check at age 7. Many bite and spacing issues are easier to treat before all of the permanent teeth are in and the jaw has stopped growing. We may use a palatal expander to widen a child’s jaw or pull baby teeth to make room for permanent teeth. Early treatment can prevent problems and shorten the time that braces will be needed later.

source: Parents Magazine Jan. 2010

1 comment:

  1. Regular and timely care of teeth can not only improve your dental health but also avoid any unwanted and painful oral problems. In this article, we will provide answers to some of the common questions asked by parents regarding their kid's dental heath care.

    children dental
